Saturday, May 18, 2013

Hello Summer!

One of the things I love about subbing on The Z is that my summer comes earlier than ever before. Here in New England, we hail Memorial Day weekend as the unofficial start of summer. People decamp down the Cape, down east to Maine and, in some cases, glare at the upcoming July 4th holiday like ti's the beginning of the end.

Me, I love starting summer radio in May. The trees have just bloomed, the sky is full of puffy clouds, and gosh-darn-it, I can shed my leather jacket.

Here's the first show, at a wholly new time zone. This summer, I'm on from 9-11pm, Wednesday nights. I hate to interrupt NCP, but believe me - drop your tab halfway into Molly's 7pm show and we'll be good to go by 9pm. Trust. I am your interim spirit animal.

Oh, and I had a wicked cold last week. You can hear it. Eeeuch.

Audio and playlist after the jump -